New Jersey Key Club Committees
What Kinds of Committees Does NJ Key Club Have?
Throughout the year, members of the district board serve a secondary role as a committee member. There are 2 kinds of committees board members can serve on: Standing, and Half-Year.
Standing Committees run all year from the beginning of April, until the end of District Education Conference. These committees are broad in topic, and have directives and focuses set forth by the District Governor, District Administrator, and Assistant District Administrator.
Half-Year Committees run for a portion of the year, and are specific to certain events. For the first half of the year, committees are focused on Fall Rally and Regional Training Conferences. The second half committees focus on DECON and MidWinter Training.
What Are Member Representatives?
It is mandatory for district board members to serve on committees, however, we also encourage general members to join our Standing Committees as Member Representatives (Reps). Member Reps are responsible for assisting the committees with larger initiatives surrounding international programs, district service programs, and more.
Being a Member Rep is a great way to get involved at the district level without having to run for a district board position. While Member Reps are not formal voting members, they are able to attend committee meetings and work with committees on projects that go on throughout the service year.
Member Rep applications are now open through October 19th. If interested, please apply here.
Standing Committees & Members:
Communications & Marketing
Chairs: Chloe Chung & Christine Prince
Janvi Singh
Aidan Heaney
Harshini Asokumar
Kiwanis Committee: Mrs. Fischer
District Project Steering
Chair: Demi Lu
Chloe Chung
Bea Ascalon
Kiwanis Committee: Mrs. Cheung
Kiwanis Family Relations
Chair: Haley Erickson
Christine Prince
Andrew Roberts
Ella Buerkle
Kiwanis Committee: Dr. San Filippo
Member Growth & Reactivation
Chair: Rashi Jakhotiya
Chase Pogozelski
Farhan Labib
Marco Osorio Ramirez
Kiwanis Committee: Mr. DeFelice
Membership Recognition
Chair: Caroline Attanasio
Ari Kestenbaum
Harshini Asokumar
Riddhi Jariwala
Kiwanis Committee:
Mrs. Meade & Ms. Trecate
Chair: Saksham Gupta
Benita Mendez-Alavez
Anniha Dorce
Aidan Heaney
Kiwanis Committee: Ms. Sciamanna
International Programs
Chair: Henry DeJesus
Mia Grossman
Nidhi Lund
Abigail Lee
Kiwanis Committee: Mrs. Sturm
First Half Committees & Members:
RTC Workshops
Chair: Ella Buerkle
Demi Lu
Saksham Gupta
Ari Kestenbaum
Christine Prince
Andrew Roberts
Kiwanis Committee:
Ms. Sciamanna & Mrs. Fischer
RTC Programs
Chair: Haley Erickson
Chase Pogozelski
Bea Ascalon
Abigail Lee
Kiwanis Committee:
Mrs. Sturm & Mrs. Meade
Fall Rally Programs
Chair: Anniha Dorce
Benita Mendez-Alavez
Janvi Singh
Mia Grossman
Nidhi Lund
Kiwanis Committee:
Dr. San Filippo & Ms. Trecate
Fall Rally Registration
Chair: Farhan Labib
Chloe Chung
Henry DeJesus
Marco Osorio Ramirez
Caroline Attanasio
Rashi Jakhotiya
Riddhi Jariwala
Kiwanis Committee:
Mr. DeFelice & Mrs. Cheung
Second Half Committees & Members:
Chairs: Harshini Asokumar
Janvi Singh
Demi Lu
Haley Erickson
Benita Alavez
Kiwanis Committee: Ms. Sciamanna
Chair: Chase Pogozelski
Harshini Asokumar
Aidan Heaney
Abigail Lee
Nidhi Lund
Kiwanis Committee: Mrs. Meade
Chair: Rashi Jakhotiya
Chloe Chung
Christine Prince
Caroline Attanasio
Kiwanis Committee: Mr. DeFelice & Dr. San Filippo
Chair: Christine Prince
Christine Prince
Ella Buerkle
Mia Grossman
Aidan Heaney
Kiwanis Committee: Mr. DeFelice
Chair: Nidhi Lund
Abigail Lee
Haley Erickson
Bea Ascalon
Kiwanis Committee: Mrs. Sturm
Chair: Andrew Roberts
Saksham Gupta
Christine Prince
Riddhi Jariwala
Kiwanis Committee: Mrs. Fischer & Mrs. Meade
Service Project
Chair: Bea Ascalon
Benita Alavez
Marco Osorio Ramirez
Farhan Labib
Riddhi Jariwala
Kiwanis Committee: Ms. Sciamanna
Contests and Awards
Chair: Aidan Heaney
Rashi Jakhotiya
Marco Osorio Ramirez
Kiwanis Committee: Mrs. Cheung & Mrs. Meissner
Additional Second Half Committees & Members:
Midwinter Training Conference
Chairs: Janvi Singh
Saksham Gupta
Anniha Dorce
Demi Lu
Bea Ascalon
Kiwanis Committee: Mrs. Fischer
Amendments & Resolutions
Chair: Ari Kestenbaum
Farhan Labib
Henry De Jesus
Kiwanis Committee: Mrs. Cheung
Elections & Credentials
Chair: Benita Alavez
Anniha Dorce
Andrew Roberts
Chase Pogozelski
Kiwanis Committee: Ms. Trecate
Chair: Abigail Lee
Henry De Jesus
Chloe Chung
Ari Kestenbaum
Kiwanis Committee: Mrs. Sturm
Chair: Mia Grossman
Ella Buerkle
Caroline Attanasio
Chloe Chung
Kiwanis Committee:Dr. San Filippo