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Branches of K-Family

The Kiwanis Family is made up of six service-oriented organizations led by dedicated volunteer leaders with one goal: to improve the world one child and community at a time. There are over 500,000 Kiwanis Family members, ranging from ages as young as 5 to as old as 100. Additionally, there are two programs associated with elementary school education (Terrific Kids & BUG). The Kiwanis Family is International, meaning you’ll never be away from the K-Family no matter where you go!

Kiwanis International is a global service organization dedicated to improving the lives of children and communities around the world. Kiwanis International has its motto, “Serving the Children of the World,” which directly ties into its mission of improving the lives of children and creating a better future for them. Kiwanis International partakes in numerous service projects in healthcare, education, poverty alleviation, environmental sustainability, and promoting the overall well-being of children. Kiwanis International operates through local clubs that are part of regional divisions and districts. Each club organizes its activities and projects according to the needs of its community.

Circle K International is the largest student-led community service organization at the college level. Similar to Key Club International, it continues to offer its members opportunities for service, leadership, and networking. They are committed to developing leaders by providing unique opportunities that not only positively impact the world, but change their members’ lives for the better. This branch of the Kiwanis Family prepares their members to become “responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to service.”

Key Club is a student led high school organization. Providing students with a more hands on opportunity to run, serve projects, fundraising events, and more. In doing so, students grow as individuals and as leaders by answering the call to lead, summoning the courage to engage and developing the heart to serve.

Builder’s Club is a worldwide organization focused on middle school/junior high students. With over 45,000 members (and more than 16,000 clubs as of 2023), Builders Club focuses on giving out community service opportunities to youth looking to improve their community. Builders Club is student-led, is held by an adult advisor and student officers, and is sponsored by Kiwanis Clubs, Key Clubs, and/or other branches of the K-Family! The club teaches middle school/junior high students that they could make a big impact on their community!

K-Kids is a service oriented organization under Kiwanis International, that is led by dedicated volunteer leaders for elementary students. The main objective of K-Kids is to promote the values of community service and leadership among young children. K-Kids clubs encourage children to develop a sense of responsibility and empathy towards others, through the means of various activities.By participating in K-Kids, children have the opportunity to learn about teamwork, cooperation, and the importance of giving back. They develop leadership skills and become active participants in creating positive change in their communities.

Aktion Club is the only service club for adults with disabilities worldwide. There are more than 12,000 members from different organizations and groups including churches, libraries, YMCAs, and/or lodges. Their main goal is to provide service opportunities for like-minded individuals who want to give back to their community. They work similarly to Key Club with the goals of serving their communities and providing their members with leadership opportunities.